Dogs Supporting Autism Awareness!


April is Autism Awareness Month, and it’s a time of celebration here in my home, because Jake – our 15-year-old – has autism, and he makes our world a much better place, just the way he is!

“Light it up Blue” is the motto for this time of year – people wear blue shirts, scarves, accessories, and so on. They might change their porch light to blue, or make pretty blue posters for their school or workplace.

Come to find out, our precious pets want to celebrate and raise awareness for autism as well!

Here is our own JJ, proudly showing off his blue bandana in honor of Jake and all people with autism:

JJ rockin' the blue for autism awareness!

JJ rockin’ the blue for autism awareness!

Here is handsome Rolo, showing his support!

Rolo is proud to

Rolo is proud to “go blue!”

Here is Mort, clearly a SUPERHERO dog! Be sure and check out the blog of Mort’s guardian – Dogthusiast – it’s a really fun blog “for dog enthusiasts with active dogs” – you’ll find tons of great info there!

Mort is fired up and ready!

Mort is fired up and ready!

Next up we have sweet Harley – he doesn’t typically like to get dressed up, but he was eager to show his support – thanks Harley! If you look closely, you can see that the shirt Harley is sporting is from a company called Good Reasons – they employ adults with developmental disabilities in their dog treat operation – how cool is that? Be sure and check out the blog that Harley’s guardians run – called My Dog Likes – they feature lots of reviews of those yummo treats, and tons of other informative and entertaining things for dog lovers!

Handsome Harley showing his support!

Handsome Harley showing his support!

Checkout Spencer the Goldendoodle! Now that is one stylish and photogenic dog!

Spencer the Goldendoodle is happy to  help!

Spencer the Goldendoodle is happy to help!

And here is Dexter, braving the snowy day and lighting it up blue – isn’t he wonderful?

Dexter is one amazing fella!

Dexter is one amazing fella!

Next, courtesy of Rosalie of the blog Totally Rosalie, is her precious dog Spenser, wrapped in beautiful blue. He recently passed, and I am truly honored and touched that Rosalie has shared this poignant photo of her handsome boy. We will see Spenser again at the Rainbow Bridge!

Sweet, precious Spenser!

Sweet, precious Spenser!

Last but absolutely not least – we have a feline friend here to support the cause as well – her name is Amber and she is eager to show her support with her pretty blue collar and harness – isn’t she gorgeous? All you cat lovers out there head over to Pawesome Cats – a fabulous cat blog full of great info, reviews, articles and more!

Beautiful Amber lighting it up blue!

Beautiful Amber lighting it up blue!

I am rounding up more cat pictures so I can make a whole new post featuring our feline friends lighting it up blue for Autism Awareness Month – so if you have a kitty who has something blue – send a photo and name my way at!

It’s not too late to add more doggies to this post either – so if you’ve got ’em – send ’em! The more the merrier – let’s keep the blue going all month!

Let’s give a huge round of applause to JJ, Rolo, Mort, Harley, Spencer, Dexter, Spenser and Amber for showing that they too, can light it up blue!

Do you have a pet  who wants to show off some blue flair for Autism Awareness month? Send me their name and photo to so we can show everyone that pets can show support and spread awareness just like anyone else!

31 thoughts on “Dogs Supporting Autism Awareness!

    • Thanks! I plan on doing a “cats support autism” post as well! I have 4 cats so I’m trying to find some blue flair for them. If you have a cat with some blue flair, send it my way so I can show them off! 🙂


  1. It’s great to see all of these dogs supporting people with Autism. They are a very special group of people. I’ve had the opportunity of working with them in the classroom and as a “zumba” instructor for a special needs class. They have taught me a lot about myself. Awesome post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad to see all the support for a great cause. The building I work at puts up a bunch of blue pinwheels each April and it looks so awesome shining in the sun – and it always puts a smile on my face knowing there’s people out there helping to raise awareness & show their support.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you liked it! I had to scramble to find JJ a blue bandana because he was having none of the blue tee-shirt we tried to put on him, lol. 🙂


  3. Yay! Its our Harley!!! Such a stinker for the photos, but he doesn’t really mind that much! You might be interested in the company on the T-shirt that he is wearing, Good Reasons. They employ adults with developmental disabilities in their dog treat operation! We have lots of reviews on our site about them, but they are really amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is so cool! Thanks for telling me about this company, I’m going to look them up now, and check out your site for the reviews! I wish I could meet Harley, he is just precious. 🙂


    • It was a pleasure to include her! Yes, I do plan on a cat-themed one – I have 2 of my 4 cats photographed, and I’ll put a request up on FB soon. Since all month is awareness for autism, it might be next week – but I will keep you posted. If you have more, send ’em! 🙂 Thanks again for sharing her photo, she’s such a beauty. 🙂


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